
Contributions to improve and maintain this project are both welcome and appreciated. This guide outlines the steps and best practices for contributing.

Reporting Issues

If you find a bug or issue, please report it by creating a new issue on our Github repo. Include the following details:

-Description: A concise and clear description of the issue. -Expected vs. Actual Behavior: A report of what you expected to happen versus what actually happened.

Submitting Code

To submit code, follow these steps: -Fork the Repository: Create your own copy of the repo. -Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your changes. -Make and Test Changes: Ensure your changes work as expected. -Submit a Pull Request: Create a pull request on Github to begin merge.

Always provide a clear description of your changes.


Before submitting a pull request, ensure your changes are tested. Specific tests are provided in the stem_mixer folder, however it might be necessary to make your own depending on the change. Run the following:

pytest tests/

Ensure all the tests pass before submitting a pull request.


We thank and appreciate anyone who has taken time to use and contribute to the development of stem_mixer.